METROPOLIS – A western Kentucky man was arrested and charged with Aggravated Domestic Battery, Resisting Arrest, Interference with a 911 call and a Parole Violation warrant out of Kentucky following a domestic disturbance at the Fairmount Apartments in Metropolis Saturday.

Metropolis Police say 39-year-old Danny T. Dale, who also goes by Monti Chello Dale, of Murray, was lodged in the Massac County Detention Center.

When police arrived at the apartment complex, they saw Dale leaving an apartment. Police told him to stay, but he ignored them and refused to identify himself. He took off running and was caught near Filmore Street. Dale resisted efforts to handcuff him and a struggle ensued. He yelled vulgar insults at police. As police and Dale were walking toward the parked squad cars, he again pulled away aggressively in the opposite direction. Dale was taken to the ground. He was warned several times that he would be tased if he didn’t comply.

Dale eventually complied and asked police to walk him around to find his phone which an officer did. He complained of knee pain and was taken to Massac Memorial Hospital for evaluation.

Police learned Dale has shoved the victim against the wall and was scaring the children in the apartment and yelling at them. When the victim said she would call police, Dale smashed her phone.

Dale was then arrested, charged and taken to jail.