METROPOLIS – A Metropolis man is facing charges after Metropolis Police were called Saturday to the Fort Massac Trout Pond regarding a domestic disturbance.

Police arrived and spoke with the victim who said she and her boyfriend, 39-year-old Micheal J. Seaton, had been arguing and she tried to leave. Seaton grabbed her arm, squeezing it very hard and refused to let her go. Police saw a fresh bruise on her arm.

When police found Seaton to tell him he was under arrest, he fled on foot. Seaton was caught, and after being taken into custody, said he needed an ambulance.

While waiting for the ambulance, Seaton jumped up and threatened one of the officers. He was taken back down to the ground to await the ambulance. He was taken to Massac Memorial Hospital and released.

Seaton was charged with Aggravated Domestic Battery–Pregnant Victim, Aggravated Assault, and Resisting Arrest. He was lodged in the Massac County Detention Center.